Saved the life of a young man stabbed through the heart

Doctors from the Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at Quang Nam Central General Hospital have just successfully performed emergency surgery on a patient whose heart was stabbed by a knife and was hospitalized in critical condition.
At 10:35 p.m. on September 25, patient BTH (30 years old, residing in Hon Dat district, Kien Giang province) entered Quang Nam Central General Hospital in a state of difficulty breathing with a 2 cm wound in the right chest area, near the heart. The patient’s whole body is motionless, his hands and feet are cold, his consciousness is drowsy, his pulse and blood pressure cannot be measured, and his SpO2 is low.

Bedside emergency ultrasound results revealed blood in the pleura and pericardium. After temporary drainage of the pleural cavity, profuse bleeding was seen.

Doctors determined that this was a complex penetrating wound to the chest, suspected of penetrating the heart . The patient’s condition was very dangerous, the progression was very unpredictable, the risk of death was very high, and the time was very urgent.

The on-duty team immediately went on red alert, mobilized all human resources to participate, and both actively resuscitated and transferred the patient to the operating room 15 minutes after reception.

The surgery included doctors from the Department of Emergency Medicine, Thoracic Surgery – Cardiology, General Surgery, Intensive Care – Poison Control. Doctors urgently opened the chest, examined the pleural cavity and saw heavy bleeding, a tear in the right pericardium, and a 2cm wide wound penetrating the right atrium.

Doctors sutured the heart wound, removed all the old blood, and at the same time with active resuscitation, controlled vital signs. After surgery, the patient is currently alert, has good contact, and has stable vital signs. The patient’s condition is gradually improving… The patient is still being monitored further.

PhD.BS. Nguyen Luong Tan – Head of Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (Quang Nam Central General Hospital) shared: A wound through the chest is a very serious injury, affecting breathing, cardiovascular… If not treated promptly . Suddenly, the patient will fall into irreversible shock, which can lead to death or leave serious sequelae for the patient. Therefore, surgery on cardiopulmonary injuries is very complicated, requiring a highly qualified surgical – anesthesia and resuscitation team.

According to MSc.BS. Duong Chi Luc – Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (Quang Nam Central General Hospital), to prevent heart accidents, it is necessary to avoid movements that risk damaging the chest area.

If you have a chest wound, whether severe or mild, you must immediately go to a medical facility with a Thoracic Surgery department. When falling or having a sudden accident, you should practice retracting your arms to protect your chest and neck area.

Willis Hamill

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